All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

A buggy pulls in at stop number two during the B-UHS/Post 7 baseball ATV/UTV ride this past Saturday. (Submitted photo)

First annual B-UHS/Post 7 baseball ATV/UTV ride a success

PICKENS — The Buckhannon-Upshur baseball team and boosters and the Buckhannon American Legion Post 7 baseball team would like to thank all the participants (drivers and riders) that made Saturday’s ATV/UTV ride in Pickens a great success.

“We were blessed with a great day weather wise and good turnout for our first event of this kind,” remarked Buckhannon Post 7 general manager Kevin Boring. “We had buggies from all over the state and even Ohio attend and participate. The participants had many positive comments about the ride. We would also like to thank Jerry Hull and the Pickens Volunteer Fire Department for their help and assistance. We would also like to thank Buckhannon Lowes for donating the grand prize. We are already planning our next ride and look forward to announcing the details once complete.”

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