Wesleyan student interns at West Virginia Development Office

Buckhannon, W.Va. — Hannah Jones, a senior business and international studies major at West Virginia Wesleyan College, recently completed a summer internship with the West Virginia Development Office International Business Division.

During her internship, she assisted West Virginia businesses in introducing their products into international markets, helped organize a trade mission to Canada, and connected various businesses with the U.S. Commercial Service which helps companies get started in exporting or increase sales to new global markets in over 75 countries.

Jones, a South Charleston native, attended George Washington High School in Kanawha County. She has an active college life as a student ambassador, a member of the Bobcat volleyball team, a member of the WE LEAD Human Rights Team, and as a sister in the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. Jones also participated in a spring semester international exchange program and studied in Strasbourg, France.

When asked what her take-away from this internship would be, Jones replied, “It built my confidence in applying the knowledge I have learned in the classroom.”

What is next for Jones? “I am thinking about graduate school in business, international studies, or maybe international business, but I am also interested in traveling abroad to teach English.”

Jones sought out the Development Office internship with the assistance of Jill Okes-Kincade at the West Virginia Wesleyan College Office of Experiential Learning, who had previously linked Jones with an opportunity to shadow the Director of the International Division, Steve Spence.

Jones is eager to share words of advice and encouragement for others who wish to pursue internships such as these.

“Try not to turn down opportunities,” she said. “Students may feel finding an internship is too daunting or their schedule is too busy.”

Jones advises, “Take advantage of the services and opportunities offered by Wesleyan, such as finding internships, applying for study abroad programs, or qualifying for scholarships. Take a chance, speak up, meet people, make an impression, don’t just sit in the background.”

For more information about internships for Wesleyan students, please contact Jill Okes-Kincade, at (304) 473-8607.

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