Teena Thorne
Teena Thorne, center, receives the VIP Award from Sister Francesca Lowis, Vice President of Mission Integration, and Skip Gjolberg, President of St. Joseph’s Hospital.

St. Joseph’s Hospital honors Teena Thorne with VIP award

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — St. Joseph’s Hospital recently honored Teena Thorne with the Values Inspired Person (VIP) award. Teena is an LPN with the St. Joseph’s Family Medicine Clinic located at Auction Lane.

Teena’s co-workers say she is always cheerful, giving her patients hope and understanding. She listens carefully to what patients have to say, often holding the hand of older patients. She will pitch in wherever she is needed and is always willing to help. Her co-workers say she demonstrates each and every one of St. Joseph’s Hospital’s values, every day.

The VIP Award is given to those who demonstrate the Christ values of the hospital:  Compassion, Hospitality, Reverence, Interdependence, Stewardship and Trust. 

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