Brooklyn Collins and her mother, Sara, work together on a snow globe mason jar topper at the James W. Curry Library Saturday, Dec. 8.

Local ‘elves’ chip in at Curry Library’s Santa’s Workshop

BROOKS HILL — As Christmas Day inches closer and closer, Santa Claus could always use a helping hand in his toy shop.

Luckily, there were plenty of local elves available to come to his aid Saturday, Dec. 8, at the James W. Curry Public Library in Brooks Hill.

Thanks to the efforts of Curry library director and head librarian Judith Williams, kids in southern Upshur County had the chance to partake in an ever-popular special event the library holds annually: Santa’s Workshop at the James W. Curry Library.

This year, the event took place from 2-5:30 p.m. at the library, which is located on Brooks Hill between Selbyville in Upshur County and Helvetia in Randolph County.

Williams said Santa’s Workshop has become increasingly popular over the years.

“Each year since I became librarian here, we host a Christmas program for the children in our service area,” Williams said. “Back by popular demand was the Santa’s Workshop Christmas program, a ‘craft-centric’ program that allows children to make hand-crafted items for themselves or to give as gifts to loved ones and friends.”

Children completed their “elf application” prior to playing Pass the Hot Chocolate to earn their Santa’s Workshop apron and their tool kit complete with an elfin time card, elf energy elixir — Tic-tacs — and other fun items, Williams said.

Children play Pass the Hot Chocolate Saturday at the Curry Library. Kids pictured, from left, are Kaden Hawkins, Krista Collins, Knox Allen, Jenell Winters, Kolden Winters, Jayden Winters, Wyatt Collins and Autumn Woodson.

“We all enjoyed a reading of ‘Things You Never Knew About Santa Claus’ by Giles Paley-Phillips and Rowan Martin, then made our way to the hot chocolate bar with lots of yummy toppings while refreshments were served — Elfin pudding cups, festive Christmas cup cakes, home baked sugar cookies, meat and cheese sticks, clementines, pretzels and assorted candies,” Williams said.

Santa Claus jingled all the way to the door of Curry Library, and after visiting with Santa, each child received a personally selected book, a Christmas Science Kit, coloring books, a stuffed reindeer tree ornament and a small gift from Williams.

A number of “good elves” helped make this event a success, Williams said. She thanked Santa (“whose name must remain simply Santa,” she said), as well as Upshur County administrator Carrie Wallace, James W. Curry Library and Park Advisory Board secretary Kelly Lake, Curry Library and Park Advisory board member Patricia Tolliver, Lori Huffman, library clerk Darlene Gregory, Curry Park supervisor Jonathan Freeman, Shanna Collins and Brenda Woodson.

“Appreciation also goes to the wonderful, engaged parents who also helped in many small but essential ways,” Williams said.

Soaking in a visit from Santa are, back row, from left, head librarian Judith Williams, Hunter Barrett, Kaden Hawking, Leah Collins, Santa Claus, Kelly Lake, library clerk Darlene Gregory (wearing green elf shoes), Krista Collins, Brooklyn Collins, Clay Hawking, Autumn Woodson, Jayden Winters, Jenell Winters; front row, from left, are Wyatt Collins, Knox Allen, Kolden Winters and Grant Allen.

To access information about the library and park and events held there, visit Located at 1721 Brooks Hill Road, the library is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 1-7 p.m. Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays and closed Sundays.

For more information, call 304-924-6724.

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