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Coal miner from Philippi killed Monday

CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice and First Lady Cathy Justice issued the following statement Monday after learning of the death of a coal miner in McDowell County. Steven H. Hively, of Philippi, was fatally injured Monday morning when he was pinned by an air drill at Ramaco Resources’ Berwind Mine, located in McDowell County. Hively, 52, had 20 years of underground mining experience and many advanced mining certifications.

“Cathy and I are truly heartbroken by this terrible accident. We ask that all West Virginians join us in praying for this man and his loved ones during this difficult time. We also ask for your prayers for all of our miners and their families. These miners display incredible courage and selflessness every day when they go to work and their bravery should never be taken for granted.

“Mines like these provide coal used for incredibly important purposes like steelmaking, which has been the building block of our nation going back to the Industrial Revolution. Today, this steel is vitally important to our country and the world’s infrastructure needs.”

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