All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

City’s Winter Wonderland wagon rides begin Dec. 1

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — On the first four Saturdays in December (1, 8, 15 & 22), hop a ride on the City’s Winter Wonderland Wagons, which will be providing tours of the city starting at Jawbone Park and traveling around town on two routes.

Rides board from 5 to 9 p.m. at the park.

Your home or business may be on the circuit and we hope you’ll show your holiday spirit by creating a display of lights, trees, nativity scenes, festive flags, whatever it may be, for a little friendly competition to achieve the “Best Decorated” home award! We will announce a new winner each week.

Are you ready?

Riders, bundle up and bring a blanket to enjoy the beautiful winter scenery in our charming downtown neighborhoods. Local scouts will be serving up hot chocolate and sweet treats, with all donations benefiting the Zach Post Memorial Food Drive.

Here are the routes:

Route 1: From Jawbone Park, go west on Friendly Way, turn north on Kanawha, east on Main, E. Main to College, southwest on College,  northwest on Sedgwick, southwest on Lightburn, southeast on Meade to Camden, north on Camden turning in the Wesleyan Chapel loop, south on Camden to Florida, north on Florida, and returning to Jawbone Park.

Route 2: From Jawbone Park, go north on Spring, west on Main, north on Locust, east on Huffman Ln, north on Kanawha, around Willard Way, south on Spring, east on Main, south on Florida, west on Lincoln, south on Smithfield, west on College, south on Ritchie, south on Camden, north on Marion, continue north on Kanawha, east on Madison, north on Florida, and return to Jawbone Park.

Again, if you are on one of these routes, please put your creative thinking caps on and let’s really make Buckhannon merry & bright this holiday season!

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