The Buckhannon Police Citizens Police Academy and Community Emergency Response Team training courses are back

The Buckhannon Police Department, Buckhannon Volunteers In Police Service (VIPS), Upshur County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and Upshur County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) are pleased to announce the return of their in-person Citizen Police Academy and CERT training programs.

The Citizen Police Academy is open to the general public and is suggested for individuals with an interest in learning about the inner workings of our city police department. Students will participate in classroom and hands-on education, gaining a better understanding of the daily activities performed by our BPD officers.

The CERT course is open to the general public age 18 and older and is suggested for individuals with an interest in helping their family and neighbors through emergency preparedness and response. Students will participate in classroom and hands-on education, gaining a better understanding of how to help others until professional emergency responders arrive.

Both courses are now open to the public and are accepting registrations until February 1, 2023 for the upcoming courses. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings starting February 7 and a detailed schedule is included below.

Due to limited seats available, advanced registration is required. Registration forms can be found below or on the following webpages:

Documents for the courses:

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