The Frank and Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center has two remaining events scheduled for their spring season: a storytelling concert on April 14 and a flatfoot dance lecture and lesson on April 16.
The West Virginia Storytelling Guild presents their spring concert at the Folklife Center on Friday, April 14 at 7 p.m. It is titled “Tadpole Tales: We are Hatchin’ and Hoppin.’”
“The West Virginia Storytelling Guild members are looking forward to welcoming story listeners to our concert, ‘Tadpole Tales: We’re Hatchin’ and Hoppin’,” said Guild president Judi Tarowsky. “It will be an evening of light-hearted tales just right for all ages to enjoy.”
The event is free for all students with a student ID and there is a $10 suggested donation for community members. All donations benefit the Folklife Center and contribute to programming, preservation, and education.
The featured storytellers for this concert are Mike Perry (Pittsburgh, PA), Linda Durrett (Bellington, W.VA), Katie Ross (Ridgeley, W.VA), Jo Ann Dadisman (Independence, W.VA) and Judi Tarowsky (Weirton, W.VA).
On Sunday, April 16 at 2 p.m. the Folklife Center will host award-winning flatfoot dancer Lou Maiuri. Mairuri will provide a demonstration and flatfoot lesson along with the Kennedy Barn String Band. The event is free and open to all.
Mairuri, born in 1928, is an award-winning clogger, flatfooter, and square dance caller known around the world. He was presented with the Vandalia Award in 2008 for this contribution to West Virginia’s folk heritage and he has been featured on numerous national media outlets.
The Kennedy Barn String Band plays old-time music and has been jamming together for more than a decade. They were awarded the Traditions Salute Award from the Folklife Center in 2018. This event will feature music performances, a lecture about flatfooting, and a lesson for all ages and levels.
The Folklife Center is located on Squibb Wilson Boulevard in Fairmont. Reservations are not required. For more information, please call the Folklife Center at 304-367-4286. In addition to hosting events, the Folklife Center is open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.