All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

September is National Preparedness Month in West Virginia

CHARLESTON, W.VA.—September is National Preparedness Month (NPM), the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) annual preparedness outreach event sponsored by FEMA’s Ready Campaign. The West Virginia Emergency Management Division (WVEMD) has committed to participate in NPM to increase preparedness in the community by creating emergency kits and communications plans for your household.

The theme this year is “A Lasting Legacy: The life you’ve built is worth protecting. Prepare for disasters to create a lasting legacy for you and your family” and features a call out to the whole community. Take time to build a kit, make a plan, check your insurance policies and coverage for the hazards you may face, such as floods, severe storms and tornadoes. Educate and involve youth in preparedness. Make sure to consider the costs associated with disasters and save for an emergency. Also, know how to take practical safety steps like shutting off water and gas.

Preparedness is a shared responsibility that takes the Whole Community. Learn ways you can take action by visiting

Throughout the entire month, WVEMD will focus on helping West Virginia become more resilient and ready. You can follow all the information posted via Facebook and Twitter (@WVEMD). Hashtags for the month are #WVPrepared and #WVPlan.

“Emergencies begin and end at the local level, and planning for your household helps the entire community be better prepared to face an emergency,” said WVEMD Director GE McCabe. “National Preparedness Month gives us the perfect opportunity to ensure our families, homes, businesses and communities are prepared for all types of emergencies.”

For more information about the Ready Campaign and National Preparedness Month, visit

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