Secretary of State to Provide Weekly Absentee and Early Voting Data for June Primary Election

Charleston, W. Va. – Starting today, Secretary of State Mac Warner will begin releasing weekly updates on statewide voter participation in the 2020 Primary Election. The weekly updates will include absentee and early voting data, including the number of absentee ballots requested and returned to county clerks. Updates mid-week will be available on the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office social media platforms.   Data as of midnight on May 12:

  • Statewide absentee ballots requested: 214,852 or 17.5% of registered voters
  • Statewide absentee ballots cast: 86,641 or 7.1% of registered voters

 In-person Early Voting will begin May 27 and end June 6. Once this period begins, weekly numbers of in-person early voters will also be made available. Sample ballots are now available as a courtesy to voters here. This is also a reminder that Tuesday, May 19, is the last day to register or update your registration to vote in the June 9 Primary Election. For more information on how to vote in the June 9 Primary Election, including how to register to vote, visit

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