All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Kyndal Davis

Raising the Jolly Roger With… Kyndal Davis

TENNERTON — In continuing to bring you the best sports coverage in Upshur County, the My Buckhannon sports department is pleased to present another edition of our exclusive — Raising the Jolly Roger With…

In ‘Raising the Jolly Roger With…’ the My Buckhannon sports department will interview a senior student-athlete from Buckhannon-Upshur to get to know them better and what makes them tick both on and off the field.

Our student-athlete this week is Kyndal Davis — enjoy!

1. Please list all the sports you have played at B-U and what year you played them? I have played soccer and basketball all four years of high school, and all three years of middle school.

2. What has been your favorite athletic moment at Buckhannon-Upshur that you participated in? There have been three moments in my athletic career as a Buccaneer that stand out the most to me. The first would have to be winning sectionals in basketball my sophomore year. The gym was packed with members of the community there supporting us. I will never forget the standing ovation from the crowd, and the students storming the court to celebrate our victory. The next moment would be winning sectionals my senior year in soccer. There was a lot of stigma and pressure leading up to that game, and the win had felt like a long time coming. Winning it on our home field and popping the confetti poppers just added to the magic of the moment. Lastly, the sendoff our school gave us when we left for our regional game my senior year in soccer was one for the books. I couldn’t walk down the halls without someone wishing me good luck, local restaurants hosted watch parties of the game, and the entire school stood outside to wish us luck during our department from the school. We also had a police escort through the town.

3. Describe your toughest practice at Buckhannon-Upshur. What sport and who was the coach? The toughest practice I had as a Buccaneer was the first practice of my sophomore season in soccer. The coaches were Jackie Zuliani and Robert Greenough. We had just gotten done with the conditioning portion of practice, and finally moved on to soccer, and I sprained my ankle. It wasn’t really that the practice was physically tough, but more of a mental thing. I felt like I was letting my team down because I got hurt and couldn’t play with them for the next month and a half.

4. Do you have a favorite saying from one of your head coaches? I don’t have one from one of my head coaches, but I do have one from my dad. Before every game and every practice, both soccer and basketball, he always tells me, “Control the controllable. That’s your effort, attitude, and production. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.”

5. What was or is your favorite class you have taken at Buckhannon-Upshur and who taught it? Why was it your favorite? I think my favorite class I have taken would probably be AP Language and Composition with Mindy Dawson. This class was my favorite because it taught me to look and comprehend deeper meaning in text than just the words written on the paper. I love to read and write, and this class allowed me to read some of my now favorite books and showcase my love for writing. I also really appreciate my teacher, Mrs. Dawson. She is one of my favorite teachers that I have ever had, and there is never a dull moment in her classroom!

6. What is your favorite thing about being a Buccaneer? My favorite thing about being a Buccaneer is the immense amount of support from the community and students. No matter what sport, girls or boys, rain, or shine, win or lose, the community always comes out to watch and support. Along with the students, they always cheer from the beginning of the game to the end. It means a lot for the athletes knowing they have that they always have that support.

7. If you were asked to play another sport, what would it be and why? If I was asked to play another sport, I would probably play softball. All my sisters played softball growing up, and my dad played competitive men’s softball as well. It runs in my family, and I think it would be fun to try.

8. Who is your hero and why? My hero would have to be my mom. She is the embodiment of the woman I strive to be one day. She inspires me because she has a strong work ethic, is smart, and hardworking. I hope I can be as great of a mom, and overall person as she is one day!

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? For the longest time I had my heart set on being a pharmacist, but now heading into college, I am torn between being a pharmacist, or going into business administration in hopes of becoming a CEO of a company.

10. What are your initial plans after graduation this spring? My plans for after graduation are just to enjoy my summer with my friends and family, before I head to college at West Virginia University.

11. What question do you hate to answer? “Why aren’t you playing soccer in college?”

12. Who is the best athlete in your family? This is a big debate in my family. I come from a family of athletes. My sisters were all multi-sport athletes, as well as my mom and my dad. But, for the sake of the question, I think I will have to say I’m the best athlete in the family!

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, where? I’m not sure if this place will qualify as a vacation spot, but definitely New York City. I have always had an admiration for New York since I was little and would love to get the chance to go back one day.

14. What is your favorite food and one thing you won’t eat? My favorite food is steak and shrimp, for sure. One thing I cannot bring myself to eat is escargot or caviar.

15. What advice would you give to a young athlete ready to start his/her time as a Buccaneer? Play because you love the sport. These four years, for a lot of athletes, is the last time you will ever step on a court or field for the rest of your life. Maximize the moments and work hard while you can, it won’t ever go unnoticed. And remember to always work hard in the classroom. Sports are temporary, but your grades and work ethic set you up for the rest of your life! But most importantly, enjoy every moment because it truly does go by fast!

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