All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Mike Ross helps St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation’s Campaign for Women’s Health meet 2021 goal

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — Mike Ross, St. Joseph’s Foundation board member and President of Mike Ross, Inc. and Ross and Wharton Gas Company, recently presented a generous donation to the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation.  

His donation helped the Foundation reach their goal for the 2021 Campaign for Women’s Health. Funds raised from the campaign will be used to obtain a portable ultrasound unit for the Center for Women’s Health; provide fetal monitoring systems in St. Joseph’s Hospital OB department; and upgrade the rooms in the department to provide a more comfortable environment for moms, babies and family members.   

“We want to say a special thank you to Mr. Ross for his support,” said Skip Gjolberg, President of St. Joseph’s Hospital.  “He has been a long-time board member of the Foundation and has supported many campaigns here.  We are truly grateful for his commitment.”

St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation is a non-profit organization with 501c3 status.  For more information, please call Lisa Wharton at 304-473-6819 or email at

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