Marshall School of Pharmacy student group event to raise money for Huntington City Mission

Marshall University’s Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists is hosting its annual winter gala Saturday, Feb. 15, from 8-11 p.m. at the Mountain Health Arena in Huntington. The Masquerade Ball-themed event is a fundraiser for Huntington City Mission.

The evening will include light snacks, dancing, mystery and fun. There will be a cash bar and a variety of local goods raffled off during the event.
Students, professors, staff, preceptors and guests from throughout the community are welcome to attend. Formal attire requested.
Tickets are $25 per person or $45 per person. They can be purchased at the door with cash or check or online.

“We are honored to host this philanthropy opportunity that will benefit Huntington City Mission,” said Bridget Boenke, Marshall pharmacy student.
For additional information, please contact Chelsea Gresham-Dolby at 304-696-7397.

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