All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Jennifer Daum Pfister

Jennifer Daum Pfister, “Jenny,” age 61, of Buckhannon, ran into the arms of her beloved Savior Jesus on Monday, July 17, 2023, after a sudden illness. 

She was born December 26, 1961, to the late Howard Pfister and Louisa Manger Pfister of Reisterstown, Maryland.  In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by sister Kim Schraeder, treasured aunt and uncle Linda and Larry Schissler, and lifelong best friend, Patty Marino Queen. 

Jenny is survived by sister Lisa Pfister (Schmidt), and several aunts, uncles, cousins, and nieces.  Jenny was blessed with a family-by-choice in Buckhannon, sister Molly Campbell (Ross) and her children Eli, Alayna, and Carys, whom she adored.

Jenny graduated from Franklin High School in Reisterstown in the Class of 1979.  She received her degree in psychology from Towson State University and studied piano at Shenandoah Conservatory. Jenny spent several years early in her career teaching at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore.  It was there that God developed and deepened her knowledge and love of the Old Testament.  In 1988 God moved her to West Virginia, where she spent several years teaching music at various schools.

At the direction of God, in February 2001 Jenny founded Brushstroke Ministries, a three-fold Christian ministry of Bible study, worship, and prayer.  Through the ministry Jenny taught weekly Bible studies, led retreats and conferences, offered counseling and spiritual direction, and thrived on teaching the Word of God on her weekly television series, One Brushstroke at a Time.  Jenny was the worship leader and a regular speaker at her home church, Breath of God Worship, in Buckhannon, WV.

Her fervent passion for the Word, along with her spiritual gifting and keen ear for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, motivated Jenny to write a series of devotional books, In Moments Like These.  With her ability to paint a picture with words, she very aptly conveyed the beauty of the Lord and His unfailing love for us. Jenny impacted countless lives through her teaching and through her music. She carried a divine anointing for teaching God’s Word with power and effectiveness. 

Her Holy Spirit-led wisdom, boundless generosity, perseverance through heavy trials, and sacrificial love for others were astounding and often misunderstood.  “It’s not me, it’s the anointing” was the unchangeable response to any praise, honor, or compliment given to her. Jenny joyfully lived out God’s promises by faith, and by her example so many lives have been forever changed.  But any time she was commended for her impact, her response was, “I’m just a girl who loves Jesus.”  And that she was.

A celebration of life for Jenny will be at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, July 28, at The Way of Holiness Church, with Pastor Jerry Murrell officiating.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Brushstroke Ministries, PO Box 2353, Buckhannon, WV 26201.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.  And now the prize awaits me – the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of His return.  And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NLT.

Online condolences may be made to the family at Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

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