All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Foster families needed in Upshur County

There are currently children in your community who are in foster care and in need of a safe and loving family to care for them. These children need at least one adult to make a positive difference in their lives.

You will have the opportunity to learn more about how you can be a caring advocate on May 7 by attending a foster care information open house at the Buckhannon Public Safety Complex Training Room (22 S Florida St.) from 6 to 8 p.m. 

Being a foster parent is an active role in the community that empowers children and families. As a foster parent you are able to provide children with stability and show positive examples of how healthy families should function. Foster families value family connections and provide a safe home to children until they can return home or, depending on the situation, be adopted. 

If more foster families were available in Upshur County, fewer children would have to leave the county or change schools when they are placed in care, leading to more beneficial time spent in schools with peers and teachers who are familiar.

Do you and your family have space in your lives for children in need? 

Learning more about foster care and adoption in West Virginia is easy; just call Mission West Virginia (MWV), a hub of information related to fostering and adopting in West Virginia.

This free event is sponsored by Mission West Virginia and the Upshur County FRN. Refreshments and activities for children will be provided. F

or more information about this event or to request a foster/adopt information packet, please contact MWV at 866.CALL.MWV or by emailing

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