All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Extra, Extra! My Buckhannon now brings you daily sports coverage

Game on!

This fall, My Buckhannon is excited to announce that we’re introducing a new feature for all our awesome readers — daily sports coverage.

Veteran journalist Duane Carpenter has joined the MyB team as sports editor and will oversee our reporting of all things sports. Duane’s been frequenting the sidelines of Upshur County games for decades. An award-winning writer, he’s penned thousands of stories covering the heartbreak and triumph of the Bucs and Bobcats and looks forward to continuing that tradition in our as-it-happens online format.

As with everything we do at My Buckhannon, our sports coverage will be community-focused, with the simple goal of championing local young athletes and illuminating some of the unique and inspiring stories that don’t always get told. Sports teach teamwork, perseverance, responsibility and commitment, and we look forward to highlighting the teams that exemplify those attributes as they represent the Upshur County community.

We’ll also be on the sidelines shooting the action photos you’ve come to know and love.

To stay up-to-date with the latest in local sports:

We hope you’re as excited as we are as we embark on yet another journey here at My Buckhannon. Go Bucs!

Brian Bergstrom
My Buckhannon

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