BUCKHANNON – The Buckhannon Upshur Corona Christmas Lights Display 2020 has not only sparked holiday spirit, but has also brightened up Upshur County in anticipation of the Christmas season.
In fact, the creator of the event, Misty Post, said it went so well, she plans to make sure it happens again in 2021.
The Buckhannon Upshur Corona Christmas Lights Display started when Post read a post where someone asked what there is fun to do in the area, and someone else answered ‘nothing.’
Right then and there, Post decided to come up with something fun to do to ‘brighten up’ everyone’s holiday and created the Buckhannon Upshur Corona Christmas Lights Display 2020.
Suddenly, everyone was outside putting up Christmas decorations and lights and getting into the spirit of the holiday. Post said next year, she feels like the County Club Estates could become a mini ‘Whoville.’
Post said she thinks the contest went very well.
“Everybody had fun,” Post said. “Folks commented it was putting them in the Christmas spirit and one person told me it helped with her Christmas depression. It was such fun, and I think we will do it again next year.”
On Sunday, Post announced the winners of the Buckhannon Upshur Corona Christmas Lights Display which included three people’s choice winners, a winner for guessing the number of Hershey kisses and Misty’s pick.
Although Post said it was a difficult choice to pick just one, she named her favorite yard decoration winner was Joyce Wilt. Post said the yard decoration “really brought out the kid in her.”

“That is exactly the feeling I was looking for and needed very much,” Post said on Facebook when she announced Joyce Witt as the winner. “Thank you for playing.”
Just for fun, Post shared a picture of many Hershey Kisses and challenged those participating to guess how many of the sweet treats she ate. Although no one guessed the exact amount, Post named Brenda Cogar as the winner in the contest. Cogar guessed 458 – the closest to the actual number of 463.
For the final category, Post offered up a Facebook page where locals could enter by posting photos of their outdoor lights and everyone was invited to vote for their favorites. Post tallied the votes and on Sunday, she announced the three winners by popular vote – Denver Claypoole, first place; Rebecca Day, second place; and third place, Nicole Wagoner.
Claypoole, the first-place winner, had lights outlining his home and truck along with lighted Christmas trees, lighted reindeer and Santa Claus.

Second-place winner, Day, had a decorated Christmas Tree with lighted presents and stockings hung with care. Wagoner, who captured third place, had a display featuring tractors, lights and an inflatable Christmas Tree.

Post said prizes for the Buckhannon Upshur Corona Christmas Lights Display were donated by French Creek Christmas Trees, Asad Khan, Tateep Unique Boutique, Stone Tower Brews, Laura Foulks, Carrie Perry, Pop’s Furniture LLC, Roe and Keith Hummel, Misty and Randy Post, Kathryn Hasbrouck, Key to Adam, Andrea Lantz, Zul’s, Almost Heaven Rustic Designs, Zick’s Restaurant, 88 Salon, Sweet-A-Licious, Triple K Kustomz, Robbie Skinner, French Creek Cakery, Tricia Nottingham, Micrologic, Allstate, Sherri Castle, Tiffany Hart, Kanawha Lounge, Debbie Quick, Kelly Coberly, Sam’s Pizza, Troy’s Auto Spa and Ultimate Image.
If you have not gotten out to see the lights, it is not too late to take in the sights!
“Enjoy driving around and taking in all of the beautiful lights and displays,” Post said.