From left to right: Jill (Click) Starkey, Shirley (Riffle) Radabaugh, Crystal (Miles) Goodwin, Ann (Smega) Bergstrom, Danny Green, Mayor David McCauley, Karen (Johnston) Wendling, Carol (Baxa) Meese and Renee (Swecker) Starkey.

B-UHS Class of 1969 to celebrate 50th reunion this weekend

On Monday, Buckhannon mayor David McCauley declared this Friday and Saturday, July 26-27, as “Class of 69 Days” in honor of Buckhannon-Upshur High School Class of 1969 graduates, who are preparing to celebrate their golden anniversary.

“Our community wishes all of our 50 year reunion celebrants the very best in their making merry while enjoying each other’s company in their beautiful hometown of Buckhannon,” McCauley said before signing the official proclamation in City Hall.


Whereas, the Buckhannon-Upshur High School “Class of 1969” will celebrate their 50th reunion this weekend, i.e., July 26 and 27 with fun events planned throughout their weekend including at the 88 Restaurant on East Main Street on Friday evening, & at the Event Center on Brushy Fork on Saturday evening; and,

Whereas, our “golden anniversary” reunion celebrants will certainly harken back to their days of cruising the Stardust, Spudnut, & Maggie’s Diner, while recalling 1969 events such as Woodstock & the first moon landing of man; and,

Whereas, the City of Buckhannon is pleased to welcome back the entire Class of 1969, but particularly those who no longer reside in our Buckhannon-Upshur community & who are returning to their hometown; and,

Whereas, our community wishes all of our 50 year reunion celebrants the very best in their making merry while enjoying each other’s company in their beautiful hometown of Buckhannon.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power and authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Friday, July 26, and Saturday, July 27, 2019 to be “CLASS of ’69 DAYS” throughout our City of Buckhannon.

I further urge all of our residents to welcome the Class of 1969 as they celebrate their 50th reunion in Buckhannon during their most special days this weekend, i.e., July 26 and 27!

Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 22nd day of July, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor

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