All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

WVU BOG continues implementing ‘freedom agenda’

The West Virginia University Board of Governors on Friday continued adjusting the institution’s governance rules in response to the state Legislature’s adoption of laws permitting more independence from the state Higher Education Policy Commission.

The Board unanimously adopted financial, student code, faculty and academic rules that had been posted for comment since its last board meeting. In one change Friday, the Board added a rule that the University would strive to maintain an A bond rating, a key factor affecting interest rates at which it can borrow money. The University’s current ratings are A and AA.

In addition, the Board approved for public comment rules covering ethics, conflict of interest and outside consulting arrangements. The proposed changes, none of which are substantively different than current policies, will be posted for comment for 30 days, beginning Tuesday (Nov. 13) through Dec. 12. The current policy can be found at and a copy of the proposed rule can be found at

Comments will be reviewed and possible adjustments considered. Final approval is currently expected at the February board meeting.

In other business, the board:

• Received annual reports from the major divisions within the University.

• Received the annual Textbook Affordability report, which noted that the use of rental and used textbooks has declined as publishers are encouraging the use of digital textbooks.

• Terminated graduate certificate programs in gerontology and women’s health.

• Approved a graduate certificate program in community development policy and practice.

• Received the annual financial statements and auditors report.

The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 14 in Morgantown.

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