All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Two Buckhannon-Upshur High School Students selected for 2018 WV Governor’s School for the Arts

Jenna Kennedy and Emily Fox were recently selected to attend the 2018 WV Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) to be held at Marshall University, June 24 through July 14. This three-week residency program is offered at no-cost to rising juniors who exhibit exceptional talent in the areas of performing and visual arts. Students attending the GSA are taught by practicing professionals in the fields of writing, dance, music, acting, drawing, painting, and digital media. In addition to this year’s academic offerings, students of GSA will be going on a three-day excursion to Chicago where they will attend museums, performances, and visit various landmarks around the city.

Fox and Kennedy are two of 111 West Virginia students selected to attend this year’s program. Both students completed a rigorous application and audition process, including multiple letters of recommendation, portfolio reviews, and skype interviews. Fox is a visual art student of Heidi Thompson, and Kennedy is a vocal student of Jeremiah Smallridge.

WV Govenor’s Schools were established in 1994 and are funded by the state of West Virginia and facilitated by the Office of the Secretary of Education and the Arts.

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