Suddenlink offering 60 days of free broadband for K-12 and college students

In response to the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, Altice USA has taken several steps to ensure that Americans within the communities we serve have reliable access to high-speed broadband connectivity to keep them connected to the people, information, and resources they rely on. 

Altice USA is committed to helping schools and students stay connected during this unprecedented time. For households with K-12 and/or college students who may be displaced due to school closures and who do not currently have home internet access, we are offering our Altice Advantage 30 Mbps broadband solution for free for 60 days to any new customer household within our footprint. 

Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, eligible households interested in this solution can call: 

  • 888-633-0030 to enroll in Suddenlink region 
  • 866-200-9522 to enroll in Optimum region 

In addition, Altice USA is proud to have joined the Keep Americans Connected Pledge recently announced by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai. As part of the pledge, Altice USA has committed for the next 60 days to: 

  • Not terminate broadband and voice service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic; 
  • Waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic; and 
  • Open our WiFi hotspots to any American who needs them. 

Altice USA is also taking various measures to keep our communities safe, healthy and connected; more information can be found at

“We know that our connectivity services, especially broadband and voice, are essential for fostering learning for students, powering our local businesses, and keeping our communities connected,” said Altice USA CEO Dexter Goei. “Altice USA is proud to do its part in ensuring that customers and businesses in our service areas have reliable access to the connectivity services that are critically important during this rapidly evolving public health situation.

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