Sign up to receive real-time public safety alerts from the Upshur County DHSEM

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. – The Upshur County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) has partnered with Nixle to implement its Community Notification System to alert residents in real-time for localized emergency situations and relevant community advisories.

The current Wireless Emergency notification System (WENS) will be retired in September due to ongoing issues with the software. Nixle will be the replacement system, and is much more robust and reliable.

As a resident, there are several simple ways to register:

  1. Text your ZIPCODE to 888777 from your mobile phone
  2. Go to and sign up via the Nixle Widget on the DHSEM page

Once registered, residents will receive a confirmation text to their mobile device. Residents may also customize their alert settings by going to and creating a User Profile. If you were a user of the previous WENS alert system prior to July 1, 2022, we have migrated your information to the new system. If you are uncertain if you signed up previously, simply sign up again by following the above instructions.

All Alerts will be targeted geographically, allowing residents to receive localized, relevant alerts from the Upshur County DHSEM. Nixle Alerts can be sent via Text, Email, Voice, Web, Social Media, and the Nixle Mobile App in an instant. Nixle is partnered with NLETS for unmatched data security, as well as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the National Blue Alert Network, and Google for unmatched reach and two-way information exchange.

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