Pulmonary certification enhances standard of care at Davis Medical Center

Elkins, W.Va. – Davis Medical Center is happy to receive certification of its Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).

“Pulmonary disease, like COPD, affects many West Virginians.  At Davis Medical, it’s important that our care standards are aligned to those established by the AACVPR because they offer the most advanced practices available,” said DMC Respiratory Therapist K. Denise Hammond, LRCA.

The DMC Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is designed to help people with pulmonary problems (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic respiratory failure and other pulmonary diseases). The program includes exercise, education, counseling and support for patients and their families.

“Our goals are to improve the overall quality of life for our patients by increasing strength, endurance, re-breathing training, monitoring depression and activities of daily living,” said Hammond.

To earn accreditation, Davis Medical’s program participated in an application process that requires extensive documentation of the program’s practices. AACVPR Program Certification is the only peer-review accreditation process designed to review individual programs for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other related professional societies.

Enrollment in the DMC Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is available through a physician’s order.  A variety of specialists is available for consults with patients.

For information about pulmonary rehab at Davis Medical Center, call the Center at 304.637.1248.

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