BUCKHANNON – The Central West Virginia Center for Pregnancy Care has lent a helping hand to those in need, touching the lives of more than 280 women in nine counties.
And it does so with a small budget of just $45,000 annually.
So on Sunday, a local businessman offered the CWVCPC a helping hand by purchasing a new home for the center in honor of his mother.
Clifford Newman, whose parents Fred and Ethel Newman established and operated the American Furniture Company in 1945, purchased a home at 8 Meadow St. in Buckhannon and dedicated the purchase in honor of his mom Ethel Newman.
On Sunday, May 6, Clifford Newman presented CWVCPC officials with a deed to the property.
Newman said his mother was a very religious woman who believed in putting God and Jesus first.
“She has always been a giving person,” Newman said of his mother. “I wore socks with holes in them, yet my mother would not think much about holes in socks. She would give to other people in a bigger need than we were, and she would try to help them. She always tried to take care of other people.”
Originally, the plan was that Newman would give $50,000 for the purchase of a new place for the Pregnancy Center. After the property was selected, Newman decided to pay the entire amount – $73,000 plus closing costs for the property.
He said after spending time with CWVCPC Director Barbara Kincaid and seeing the depth of need in the area, he realized he didn’t have any choice but to pay in full for the property.
The CWVCPC is a pro-life, nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting women who are undecided about whether to terminate pregnancies. It provides information, resources and post-abortion support, according to its website.
Until the agency moves to the 8 Meadow St. location, where it will reopen June 3, it will still operate out of its previous location at 156 Hackberry Lane.
“We had a cornerstone laid in the last furniture store my brother and I built,” Newman said. “My brother, Victor, and I took the cornerstone when we sold the building and I thought this would be a good stone to put on the property.”

Newman said he had suffered a stroke previously and during the dedication Sunday, his voice was not up to par for reading his prepared speech but wanted to share it.
“I would like to tell you about a beautiful lady – my mother,” Newman said. “When I think of my mother, the first thing that enters my mind is her gentle smile. It has always been and will continue to be a great medicine for me. Though I can’t remember the first time I saw it, I will always remember the last. It was the morning she smiled at me with a great deal of happiness and anticipation. She went home – home to be with her Lord.
“She knew without a doubt she had won the race. When I think of my mother, I think of her love, her understanding, her sacrifices and her patience. Patience that she had for me. I think also of the pain that I was to her, but on that morning, with her beautiful smile, it was all forgiven.
“When I think of my mother, I think of all the gifts she has given me – I remember the little cast-iron cars that I would play with for hours under the pine tree in our front yard. I remember my little wagon, made of wood and painted red with little wood sideboards. I remember my first basketball – I liked it so well, I even took it to bed with me. I remember my first bike – it was a Shelby, bright fire engine red with lots of chrome and large white sidewalls. Boy, did I put the miles on that bike no matter what the weather.
“But there is one gift she gave me when I was five years old. It was the greatest gift any mother could give their child. I remember that morning as if it were yesterday. She came into my room, and with her gentle smile said it was time to get up because today is going to be a special day for you. She helped me put on my little blue suit and snap-on tie and Sunday go meeting shoes. While we ate breakfast, I asked her what was going to happen and where we were going. She would only smile and say I would see.”
“After breakfast, she took me by the hand, and we walked up Florida Street until we came to the First Baptist Church,” Newman continued. “There, she took me in and walked me up the stairs to the largest room I had ever seen. She sat me down in a little chair and said I would meet someone who would be a special friend to me for the rest of my life. That is where I came to know my Jesus.
“So, mothers and future mothers – please listen – don’t worry about buying the latest toys for your children. Don’t worry about the latest craze with hairstyles. Please, don’t loose sleep trying to give your child everything that the neighbor’s children have. You see, my little cars got broken and lost. My fancy wagon rotted away. My basketball got so full of holes it was useless. My bike rusted and broke, so it too was discarded. But my Jesus still shines just as he did 70-plus years ago.
“This is why, you will find on my mother’s headstone, the following inscription – Proverbs Chapter 31, Verse 29 – Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the mother that you did. I will give you the praise for as long as I live. Thank you.”
CWVCPC employee Anna Burr said during the dedication, several pastors gathered with folks to bless the property. Burr described the CWVCPC’s new location.
“The house has two bedrooms, and the living room is where we will do the baby room,” Burr said. “There is a kitchen and a nice laundry room. My office will be located in the sunroom. The garage will hold items for the garage sale. There is also a very nice storage building where we can house the additional items including car seats and walkers.”
Burr said the new property is beautiful.
“It has central air conditioning and looks like it has just been painted,” she said. “There is cedar in all of the closets, and it will offer a classroom where (Director) Barbara Kincaid can teach. It has brand new carpet and a newer roof. We have a nice parking lot and people will not have to park on the street.”
She said the new location will offer easier access for moms.
“We are located behind Speedway. It is closer to town if the moms need to go into town. I think we will have more people because it is easier to find,” Burr said. “All of the moms I have talked to are very excited for our new place. Several of the husbands and boyfriends and folks from some of the churches are going to come and help us move.”
Burr said the CWVCPC will be closed the last week in May because that is when the heavy-duty moving will take place.
“We will open up at our new location on Monday, June 3,” Burr said.
Director Barbara Kincaid said the CWVPCP mission is to help women who are undecided about their pregnancies.
“Our mission is to save babies from abortion – that is our ultimate mission,” Kincaid said. “I give the mothers educational materials. If they are open to discussion, we talk to them and give them all kinds of information. We try to refer them to other agencies, such as counseling if that would be what they are needing. We send them to the Department of Health and Human Resources to get a pregnancy medical card.”
Kincaid said once the women have made the decision to maintain their pregnancy, the Center helps throughout their pregnancy with numerous items.
“There is a point system, and they can use those to get new baby beds, car seats and pack and plays,” she said. “They can get Onesies, diapers and an array of items to help them throughout their pregnancy. I teach parenting classes to support the moms and dads.”
Kincaid said those at the CWVCPC are very thankful and excited about their new location.
“Mr. Newman believed in us and he believed in our services,” Kincaid said. “He came by our center and as he got ready to go out the door, he said he had one of the sweetest moms in the world. He said, ‘She was very well-known in the community. On behalf of her, I want to make a donation to you to have a permanent home.’”
The CWVPCP can be reached by calling 304-473-1123. They are open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Additional information about the CWVPCP is available online at www.CWVPCP.org or on Facebook.