The morning was clear and cool, skies were a beautiful blue as walkers, runners and riders arrived for the fourth Annual Green Bean Day Celebration. More than 30 participants walked along the River walk visiting with friends and pausing to smell the flowers. Children discovered some of the rocks that had been painted by Ms. Butler’s Middle School students while volunteers snapped beans and swapped stories.
The Green Bean Celebration is a grass-roots effort to encourage lifestyle changes that include healthy eating, increased activity, growing your own food and volunteerism. This year’s activities included a cooking contest in Jawbone Park, growing tenderette beans, bean snapping at several locations and proclamations by County Commission and the City Council to promote this family-friendly event.
The members of the planning committee extend a heartfelt thank you to the many people who worked to make this community event possible. Our generous financial sponsors included: Dr. Matthew Malone, Sue McKisic, HealthWorks, Jennifer and Jeffrey Michaels and many others who donated at the events and purchased the newly designed 2020 t-shirts. The events couldn’t happen without your help and support.
All proceeds and green beans were donated to the Parish House to support the program that supplies meals to the hungry in Upshur County.
Mark your calendars and watch our Facebook page for the Fifth Annual Green Bean Celebration August 7 & 8 next year. Please continue to donate fresh (and canned) food to the Parish House and consider joining us next year.