All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Five tips to help you stay logged in to My Buckhannon

Hey everyone! Brian Bergstrom here, founder of My Buckhannon. I’m the guy who handles our tech support. One question we sometimes get is: Why do I keep getting logged out?! We’ve learned a lot over the years, and while technology has advanced, this is still one of those pesky issues that crops up for folks now and again.

Below are five tips to help you stay logged in as you read My Buckhannon. As always, our team is here to help, so if you have any questions, please contact us at any time!

  1. Use a built-in password manager.
    • Most devices (iPhones, Androids, tablets, laptops) now come with secure password managers or keychains. Whenever you log in, they’ll often ask: “Would you like to save this password?” This is a great way to avoid re-typing your info every time.
    • Password managers also increase security. They won’t work on fraudulent or phishing sites, and you’re less likely to use the same easy-to-guess password everywhere.
  2. Check ‘Remember Me’ when logging in.
    • If you don’t tick this box, your browser will ‘forget’ your session once you close it. Checking ‘Remember Me’ prompts your browser to store a small file (a cookie) so it knows who you are the next time you return.
  3. Use your phone’s main browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge) directly.
    • Instead of tapping on My Buckhannon links from social media or email apps, open your primary browser and go to directly.
    • Built-in browsers in social media or email apps have their own rules, often overriding your saved login. Using Safari or Chrome allows the site’s cookie to remain valid until you manually log out or clear your data.
  4. Avoid private or incognito mode.
    • In private browsing, your login details (the cookies) are automatically erased when you close the window. If you notice you’re getting logged out constantly, make sure you aren’t accidentally in private/incognito mode.
  5. Pin My Buckhannon to your home screen.
    • This tip remains a favorite. Visit in Safari or Chrome, tap the share icon (iOS) or the three dots (Android) and select “Add to Home Screen.”
    • You’ll get an app-like icon right on your device, making it super easy to jump right in.

Bonus tip: Make sure you have an active membership! Check your subscription status anytime on your Account Dashboard, or click here to purchase a premium membership.

We truly appreciate our members! From the start, My Buckhannon has been built in-house right here in West Virginia. We work hard to make the site easy, intuitive and secure. If you have any questions at all, please reach out. We’re happy to help!

Thank you for being a part of My Buckhannon!

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