Dr. Shelly Ratliff, Morgan Golden, and Connie Stout O'Dell outside the recently opened Curriculum Resource Center at Glenville State College.
Dr. Shelly Ratliff, Morgan Golden, and Connie Stout O'Dell outside the recently opened Curriculum Resource Center at Glenville State College.

Education Resource Center established at Glenville State College

GLENVILLE – Students in the Department of Education at Glenville State College (GSC) will now have access to a variety of educational resources at the new Curriculum Resource Room, located in Clark Hall.

The Curriculum Resource Room provides GSC education students with an extensive library of teaching manuals organized by subject, children’s books and other classroom materials, access to a laminator, an Ellison Prestige Pro Die-Cutting Machine, a Cricut cutting machine, craft supplies, and more.

The project, started in fall 2019, has been a team effort among GSC education students and faculty to gather the resources and transform the space into a collaborative area where students can conduct research and prepare to have their own classrooms.

Morgan Golden, a GSC education student, has been instrumental in establishing the Curriculum Resource Room. “It has been really tiring, but it has also been exciting,” she said. “The entire project has been a big accomplishment because it took us a long time and we had to do a majority of the work on it during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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