All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Candidate filing period for 2022 Primary Election starts Jan. 10

Charleston, W.Va – Secretary of State Mac Warner says his office is ready to kick off the 2022 election cycle, starting with the January filing period for candidates.

Beginning Monday, January 10, candidates planning to run for office in the Primary Election scheduled for May 10, 2022, may file their Certificate of Announcement with the Secretary of State’s office or the county clerk’s office, depending on the office sought. Candidates must file their paperwork and pay the filing fee during the filing period, which begins Monday, January 10th and ends at midnight on Saturday, January 29th.

“After overseeing a historic General Election in November 2020 and more than 100 municipal elections in 2021, our team and our county clerks are ready for the 2022 midterm elections,” Secretary Warner said. “I will do everything within my authority as the state’s chief election official to work with all 55 county clerks to ensure that our elections are safe, fair, and secure.”

Candidates for federal, statewide, legislative, and judicial (excluding magistrates) offices, as well as those running for office in more than one county, are required to file a candidate’s Certificate of Announcement with the Secretary of State’s office. Candidates for all other offices file at their respective county clerk’s office.

Offices on the ballot this year include U.S. House of Representatives; State Senate; House of Delegates; county commissions; county boards of education; conservation district supervisors; Greater Huntington Park and Recreation District; political party executive committees for state, congressional, delegate, senatorial, and county districts; and any vacancies for unexpired terms that are to be filled.

Candidates are responsible for determining their eligibility to run for and hold public office. Election officials generally have no authority, except in rare circumstances, to reject a Certificate of Announcement. Generally, candidates for most offices must be eligible to register to vote, the proper age for the office on or before the 2022 General Election, and must be residents of the district where applicable.

Due to legislative redistricting in 2021, candidates running for U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate, and House of Delegates, should check their district map to make sure they file to run in the correct district. Links to maps may be found at our West Virginia Redistricting Maps page at

Candidates can file in person at the Secretary of State’s Office in Charleston during regular business hours and from 8:30 a.m. to midnight on the last day to file on Saturday, January 29th. Candidates can also file at the North Central WV Business Hub, located at 200 West Main Street in Clarksburg, and the Eastern Panhandle Business Hub, located at 229 East Martin Street, Suite 100 in Martinsburg.

Alternatively, candidates can mail their Certificate of Announcement and filing fee to the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office, State Capitol Building, Charleston, WV 25305. All filings mailed by USPS must be received or postmarked during the filing period from January 10th to January 29th. Filings received after January 29 cannot be accepted by law. For information on the West Virginia 2022 election process including a County Clerks Directory and online voter registration, visit the WVSOS website at

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