All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Candidacy Announcement: Robbie Morris for West Virginia State Senate — District 11

Editor’s note: This post was submitted by the candidateTo introduce local candidates to My Buckhannon readers, all were invited to email us one free candidacy announcement/biography for publication by March 31, 2024. Read our full election guidelines by clicking here.

My name is Robbie Morris, and I am a Republican candidate for the West Virginia State Senate, District 11, which covers Braxton, Webster, Upshur, Barbour, Randolph, Pendleton, and Pocahontas counties.

I am married to my wife, Whitney, and have two daughters, Elin and Tinley. I am the economic development director for Randolph County. I graduated from Elkins High School and West Virginia Wesleyan College with a Masters Degree in Business Administration.

I am a lifelong conservative, led by my Christian faith, who is Pro-Life, Pro-Guns, and Pro-Jobs. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility and that our children deserve an education that prepares them for success. We must stop the trend of our young people leaving the state to find opportunities.

I fully support our first responders and dispatchers and believe they should have the resources necessary to keep themselves and their communities safe. The drug epidemic has caused unbelievable devastation within so many families and communities throughout West Virginia. I will work to ensure drug settlement monies and any taxpayer funds are being utilized to solve this problem effectively and efficiently.

I have dedicated my career to improving economies and communities throughout West Virginia. I believe in a team approach, working collaboratively with other organizations and all levels of government to ensure our citizens and communities have every opportunity for success.

As Chairman of the West Virginia Broadband Enhancement Council, I work with the West Virginia Office of Broadband to expand high-speed internet to all corners of West Virginia. As Vice-Chairman of the Region VII Planning and Development Council, I work with public and private sector representatives to improve and expand our local infrastructure, such as water and sewer services, receive grants for public services, and so much more.

As Chairman of the Corridor H Highway Authority, I also work with seven counties to complete this long-awaited highway project.

I am not a polished politician but a simple public servant. I am known for bringing people together to solve the issues of the day by building consensus and taking a teamwork approach. West Virginia has taken great steps forward in the past several years, but there is much more work to be done. We need leaders dedicated to our communities and the people of this State to take us to the next level.

I am that leader.

I respectfully request your vote on May 14. I look forward to working with you and for you as your next State Senator.

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