All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Buckhannon-Upshur High School students achieving a mark of proficient or advanced on their end-of-course testing for Science and Technology 1 and 2 are recognized by the Upshur County BOE Tuesday night as Upshur Stars. The BOE meeting was held at Rock Cave Elementary School. Students recognized include Phillip Setterlund, Ryanna Hines, Ethan Cutright, Cory Hamner, Ashton Post, Jake Bohman and Nathaniel Beer. Those not pictured include Lillian Davis, Jackson McNeish, Samuel Walker, Haven Tyson, Kassidy Wilfong, Samuel Squires and Richard Williams.

BOE awards Upshur Stars to students who excel in Innovations in Science and Technology courses

ROCK CAVE – The Upshur Stars were shining brightly in Rock Cave Tuesday evening as the Upshur County Board of Education and county administrators recognized students who achieved proficient or advanced on the end-of-course testing in the Innovations in Science and Technology 1 and 2 classes at Buckhannon-Upshur High School.

Students named Upshur Stars for Innovations in Science and Technology 1 were Phillip Setterlund, Lillian Davis, Jackson McNeish and Ryanna Hines. Innovations in Science and Technology 2 who met the high standards include Ashton Post, Jake Bohman, Samuel Walker, Nathaniel Beer, Cory Hamner, Haven Tyson, Kassidy Wilfong, Samuel Squires, Richard Williams and Ethan Cutright.

Both of these classes, along with Innovations in Science and Technology 3 and 4, are taught at B-UHS by John Epler.

“The end-of-course test is given online by the Southern Regional Education Board as the culmination of the projects that each course contains,” Upshur County Schools Assistant Superintendent Dr. Debra Harrison explained as she introduced each student. “The questions cover the sciences, mathematics, technology and engineering design process that the students are introduced to throughout the year.”

Phillip Setterlund is a B-UHS sophomore this year and he explained what the test covered.

“We took the test at the end of the year after completing a lot of science projects in the class,” Phillip said. “We studied specific things like electrical and engineering concepts – we did things like electrical wiring. We also learned about dams and water-power throughout the year.”

B-UHS sophomore Ryanna Himes told those gathered at the BOE meeting the class included projects that used items most people had on hand.

“We learned how to make a water filter and only used things commonly found in your home,” Ryanna explained.

Senior Ethan Cutright said he really enjoyed working with his friends to learn more about science and technology.

“Last year, we did a bunch of cool stuff,” Ethan said. “We made biodiesel – it was so cool, and you can run a car from it. We also made a battery just using lemons and using things like Gatorade. It was fun.”

Cory Hamner is a senior this year at B-UHS. He said he is continuing on to complete all of the courses offered in Innovative Science and Technology.

“Lots of us up here were in the same class,” Cory shared. “Right now, I am taking Innovations in Science and Technology 3 and 4 so I can complete all courses. I didn’t start until I was a sophomore taking the classes and I want to finish them.”

Ashton Post, who is currently at junior at B-UHS, said he is learning to put materials together to make electrical items in the class.

“I’m currently taking Innovations in Science and Technology 3. Yesterday I actually made sure a speaker I put together worked,” Ashton said. “I made it from neodymium magnets, copper wire and a Styrofoam plate.”

Junior Jake Bohman talked about some of the things he made last year in the Innovations in Science and Technology Class.

“We made biodiesel and we used the byproducts of that, which was glycerin, to make soap and taffy,” Jake said. “We also designed a water levee to hold back water in case of rains and flooding. That was a fun project.”

Nathaniel Beer told everyone that what a lot of the other Upshur Stars said also applied to him.

“A lot has been said and that applies to me,” Nathaniel said. “One thing they are leaving off that I feel is important is the project where we helped Ms. Cain design and measure for the placement of an outdoor classroom.”

Stankus said the outdoor classroom project was a huge success.

“So, the school submitted a grant and members of the Innovations in Science and Technology Class actually designed the outside classroom,” Stankus said. “They came up with the draft of the design and did all of the measuring. It is just wonderful.”

The next Upshur County BOE meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24 at Hodgesville Elementary School.

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