Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball

Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball to give WVWC Baccalaureate address

BUCKHANNON, West Virginia – West Virginia Area Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball will give the address at the Baccalaureate Service for graduates.

The ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 10 in Wesley Chapel. Following the Baccalaureate, will be the return of another Wesleyan tradition –  ice cream on the chapel oval lawn.

Steiner Ball is a graduate of Dickinson College and Duke Divinity School and earned her Doctorate of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary. She was ordained a deacon and elder in the Peninsula-Delaware Conference.

Steiner Ball was elected to the episcopacy by the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference in 2012 and was assigned to the West Virginia Area. She has served on the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s Personnel and Policies Committee, Global Education and Ministry Committee, Audit and Review Subcommittee, and as the chairperson of the Division on Ministry.

Bishop Steiner Ball and her husband, The Rev. Barry D. Steiner Ball, have two daughters:  Sarah Elizabeth and Sandra Rebekah.

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