All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Front Row: Assistant Principal-Amy Cale, Brian Brandish, RoseMary Tomblyn, Arron Roberts, Tanya Zickefoose, Denise Hyre, Merianda Cropp, Jeanie Cutright, Principal-Samantha Leput, Erin Brumbaugh, Assistant Principal-George Haskins. Back Row: Denise Spratt, Terri McCann, Sherri Butler, Sarah Kesling, Bob Clay, E. Terry, Lisa Crites, Madison Moats, Emily McDonough, Joyce Harris-Thacker, Gerald Thompson, Russ McClain. Those who attended, but were not pictured: Brittany Wamsley, Kandi Plymale, Roseanne Siggia-Walker, Sherry Hardy, Kayce Wooten, Amanda Smith, Jennifer Bennett, J.J. Ford, and Michael Lane

B-UMS to prepare students for new project-based learning model

Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School staff members are working collaboratively to bring project-based and experiential learning opportunities to students. Teachers are dedicated to the project-based learning model and are exploring activities and resources that will further support student interest, academic progress, and future success.

Upshur County Schools and Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School are partnering with the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) to learn more about preparing students for what comes next.  Providing opportunities for students to use their creativity while applying learned skills and strategies help to enhance their overall development and well-being.

Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School is looking forward to incorporating this framework into their instruction, as they help students understand the “why” behind their tasks. Teachers participated in a week of learning, where they, themselves, explored project-based learning and planned lessons centered around a theme/career.

Mrs. Samantha Leput, Principal of Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School, shares, “We want our students to be interested and involved in all aspects of their learning, while providing opportunities for them to explore careers that they may not otherwise be exposed to. Our students have unique talents, skillsets, and interests and we want to embrace and expand upon those they have acquired to positively impact their future education and career opportunities.”

The Empowerment framework allows students to build a bridge from where they are or have been to where they will be going and what they will be doing.

“Project-based learning answers the question, ‘Why do we have to learn this?’ We often think of PBL as project-based learning, but it expands to purposeful-, problem-, and passion-based learning. Project-based learning encompasses all of these aspects and what it means to be engaged in our work,” says Jamie Holmes, Lead Facilitator with Illuminate Ed. “Our kids need to be engaged and involved in the learning process for it to be meaningful to them.”

Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School teachers reflected on their week of learning and are excited to return to the classroom and support students with project-based learning.

“Our team has worked to build meaningful relationships this week and we are working together to change learning for our students,” one teacher said. “Learning that will impact their futures.”

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