Editor’s note: This article was written and submitted by Dr. Joseph Reed, M.D., medical director of the Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and the political unrest, it is ever more important that each Upshur County citizen do the best to be a strong advocate for yourself, your family, and your fellow neighbor and citizen.
Here are some ways of doing that:
- Plant a garden and patronize the Farmer’s market for locally grown produce.
- Reduce or if possible stop abusing substances: tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; seek help if needed. Encourage children to not start.
- Maintain, to the best of your ability, healthy nutrition and exercise.
- Maintain recommended immunizations, infants, children, teenagers, and adults.
- Plan to take flu shots for yourself and family; if and when available, plan to receive a COVID-19 immunization.
- Protect your mental health; reading, exchange with friends and neighbors, spiritual discipline, and adequate rest.
- Seek help when needed: Parish House, Salvation Army, Mt. Cap, DHHR, Opportunity House, churches and pastors, medical and mental health providers.
- Share your talents with others in need: shopping, encouragement, chat, listen, and love.
- Participate with others seeking peacefully to bring about improvements in our society.
- Vote. Complete your census questionnaire here!
Thank you for what you are able to do.