Photo courtesy of the West Virginia Department of Commerce

Small game hunting and trapping seasons underway in West Virginia

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.VA. — Hunting and trapping seasons for several small game species are underway in West Virginia and provide great opportunities for new hunters and families to get outside during the fall and winter months.

Seasons for raccoon, ruffed grouse, cottontail rabbit, squirrel and several other small game species are open and run through Feb. 28.

Raccoon hunting has a bag limit of four per night. There is no bag limit for raccoon trapping. Hunters should find similar numbers of raccoons as last year during the upcoming season, and hound hunters should find success throughout the state.

The ruffed grouse season has a daily bag limit of four with a possession limit of 16. Quality habitat is the primary limiting factor to grouse populations, so hunters should concentrate their efforts in regenerating timber areas of five to 15 years in age.

The cottontail rabbit season has a daily bag limit of five and the possession limit is 20. For the best opportunities for hunting success, hunters should seek out old field habitat and the edges of adjacent regenerating forests. 

The statewide squirrel season has a daily bag limit of six with a possession limit of 24. 

For a complete list of small game hunting and trapping seasons, hunters should check page two in their copy of the 2020-2021 West Virginia Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is available at WVDNR district offices, license agents and online at

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