Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department: 13 tips to help fight the spread of viruses in our community

Attention Upshur County residents — Please help us keep Upshur County healthy. You are the first line of defense and we need your help.

The following are ways you can assist us with fighting the spread of respiratory viruses including the flu and novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

As of Wednesday afternoon, there were no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in West Virginia. A total of eight people have been tested — seven were negative and one result is pending.

  1. If you or your family members are ill, stay home. You should stay home until 24 hours after fever has ceased without the use of fever reducing medications. CDC defines a fever as 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater.
  2. Remember to cover coughs and sneezes using a tissue or bent arm. Throw the tissue away after using and wash hands.
  3. Teach good handwashing. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds using warm water and soap. Hand sanitizers can be used if soap and water are not available and must be at least 60% alcohol.
  4. Avoid touching the face and especially the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Clean and disinfect at home items that are touched frequently, such as doorknobs, light switches, remotes, cell phones, etc. Common household cleaners (Clorox or Lysol) are adequate to maintain your health.
  6. Maintain your health, with adequate sleep, physical activity and nutritious foods.
  7. Get your flu vaccine every fall before flu season starts. Its not too late to still get the flu vaccine.
  8. If you have concerns of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Novel 19) please use the toll-free hotline number 1-800-887-4304 this line is available 24/7.
  9. If you suspect that you have COVID-19 and require medical attention, please call your medical provider ahead of time to alert the facility of your upcoming arrival.
  10. The West Virginia Office of Laboratory Services (OLS) can now perform testing for the virus that causes COVID-19. The State Health Department has expanded criteria for public health testing and only individuals who meet the criteria will be tested through OLS at this time. However, some commercial labs are now conducting tests. CDC provides recommended criteria to guide decisions on testing, but clinicians will be able to order COVID-19 testing for individuals as they see fit.
  11. Please limit visitation to nursing homes and hospitals.
  12. Visit the CDC coronavirus website:
  13. Also find information on the state coronavirus website:

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