Photo courtesy W.Va. Department of Transportation

West Virginia State Police, WVDOT targeting speeders in Barboursville work zone

HUNTINGTON, WV – West Virginia State Police, armed with speed-tracking lasers and chase cars, are conducting an aggressive campaign this week to target speeders in the Barboursville construction zone of Interstate 64.

“We’ve GOT to slow these people down,” said State Police Sgt. Barry Wellman of the Huntington detachment. “People are on their phones, they’re eating, they’re distracted.”

With road work continuing on the Barboursville widening project and other interstate projects throughout the state, the West Virginia Department of Transportation is worried that drivers are not paying enough attention to work zone safety signs and speed limits. DOT has recently tracked cars traveling as fast as 108 mph in highway work zones, where speed limits are 55 mph.

“The West Virginia Department of Transportation appreciates our partners with the State Police for targeting enforcement in work zones,” said Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Jimmy Wriston. “Along with our partners in the media, who help to get the word out about keeping Heads Up, Phones Down for safety. Let’s get everyone home safe at the end of the day.”

Wellman said extra State Police patrols will be stationed in the Barboursville work zone throughout the week of May 3, 2021. State Police will be aggressively tracking speeders and handing out tickets.

“We’re going to be out there at random times throughout the week,” Wellman said. “Different days and different times. They’re not going to know when we’re going to be out there.

“Hopefully just the knowledge that we’re going to be out there and handing out tickets will get people to slow down,” he said.

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