Warner mailing notices to nearly 34,000 eligible but unregistered West Virginia citizens

Charleston, W. Va. – Since 2002, the United States has recognized September as National Voter Registration Month. In West Virginia, voter registration is easy and quick for eligible citizens.

According to Secretary of State Mac Warner, his office collaborates with information from the Department of Motor Vehicles prior to every Federal Election to identify new West Virginians who appear to be eligible but are not currently registered to vote. Warner said he will mail a postcard to nearly 34,000 West Virginians asking that they consider registering to vote.

“We want citizens to know that they are eligible to be registered to vote for this upcoming election before the registration deadline gets past them,” Warner said. “We also want to call their attention to how easy it is now to register to vote in West Virginia.”

The WV Secretary of State’s Office works with all 55 county clerks to encourage eligible citizens to register to vote and to keep their registration updated. Part of that effort involves notifying West Virginia citizens that they are eligible to register.

Warner said his office and the county clerks have worked together over the past 43 months to register more than 201,000 citizens to vote. Of that total, over 58,000 were high school students who will participate in their very first Presidential Election this November.

Warner said the postcards will encourage citizens receiving them to complete a Voter Registration Form online by going to GoVoteWV.com.

“Registering to vote gives you the opportunity to participate in every election. Being registered to vote gives an eligible citizen the option to cast a ballot in every municipal, county, and state election based on their residency,” Warner said.

The last day to register to vote to participate in the November General Election is Oct. 13. For more information on registering to vote, finding your polling place, or how to vote by absentee ballot, go to GoVoteWV.com.

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