Charleston, W.Va. – During prom and graduation season teenagers are more likely to be involved in an auto accident than any other time of the year.
As the parent of a teenage driver, your child’s safety is your first concern. Educating yourself and your teen driver about the risks and insurance implications of unsafe driving can save lives and money.
Research suggests parents who establish driving rules reduce the risk accidents in half. It is important to talk openly about your expectations for behind-the-wheel behavior. A tool to assist with this conversation is a teen driver contract. This information can be found at this link “Teen Driver Contract”.
Insurance Commissioner Jim Dodrill encourages parents and their teenage driver to create and discuss the contract together.
“This will give young drivers a better understanding of why it is important to follow the rules about: curfews, number of passengers, cell phones, being aware of other drivers and how good grades, accidents and violations affect insurance rates,” Dodrill said.
The Offices of the Insurance Commissioner’s Consumer Services Division is available to assist consumers with any insurance questions and can be reached at 1-888-879-9842 or you can visit our webpage at .