Upshur County schools will be open Friday, offer excused absences if students stay home

As of September 26, 2020, Upshur County was “Green” on the W.Va. School Alert System Education Map (that system which guides school attendance).

Today, October 1, the W.Va. Department of Health and Human Resources County Alert System map moved our county from “Gold” to “Orange.” According to that map, Upshur County’s daily incidence rate, based on a seven-day average and adjusted per a population of 100,000, is 15.95. Upshur County Schools is monitoring the situation closely and maintains regular contact with the Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department.  

We will have school tomorrow, Friday, October 2 and Group B will attend.  If families decide to keep children at home, it will be an excused absence.  Again, please remember, if children do not feel well, do not send them to school.

If Upshur County is orange on Saturday, October 3, when the West Virginia Department of Education releases its School Alert System map, Upshur County Schools will be required to transition to full remote instruction for the next week. If we move to orange, athletics and extra-curricular activities will be limited to conditioning only, as defined by the WVSSAC. 

Food delivery will remain on Wednesday according to the afternoon bus run schedule. Back packs will be delivered on Friday. Please monitor our website and social media for updates on times for these deliveries.

As always, our Upshur County Schools custodial staff will perform a daily deep cleaning and disinfection of our facilities. Bus drivers will continue to disinfect buses after all runs.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all navigate these challenging times. Remember to follow all CDC, WVDHHR, and Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department guidelines, and do your part to slow or stop the spread.  With everyone working together, we can lower the numbers of positive cases in Upshur County.

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