Upshur County residents named to Shepherd University’s Dean List

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. — Eight hundred eighty-one students were named to the Dean’s List at Shepherd University for the spring 2021 semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must maintain a 3.4 grade point average for the semester and carry at least 12 hours of coursework or be in a professional teaching block.

Located in West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle, Shepherd University is a regional public university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC).

Jordan B. Cutright
Shelby L. Daugherty
Abigail M. Johnson
Patty J. Miller
Johnna J. Smith
Natalie D. Woody

Tayler B. Sisk

Jenna R. Marple

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