Upshur County Public Library announces reopening plan

Editor’s note: The following is a public service announcement from the Upshur County Public Library in Tennerton regarding its three-phase reopening plan, which will begin Monday, June 1.

TENNERTON — The Upshur County Public is excited to announce that it will begin a three-stage reopening plan on Monday, June 1, 2020.

Hours of library service will be:

  • Monday – 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday — 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thursday – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday – 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Week 1:

Beginning Monday, June 1, we will be offering curbside delivery for books, DVDS and audio books. Patrons wishing to request items may call 304-473-4219, ett. 14, email, or message us on Facebook to request items.

  • When items are requested, we will respond to your request to schedule a time for you to pick up your items.
  • Patrons may request specific titles, works by specific authors, or works in a particular genre. All items for each request will be checked out on the same card, and we are temporarily raising the DVD limit to seven titles at one time.
  • Patrons needing fax or notary service may call the library to schedule an appointment for those services.

Week 2:

Beginning Monday, June 8, we will continue to offer curbside delivery of library materials, and we will also begin scheduling appointments for patrons to enter the library for computer access.

  • Patrons who need computer services may call the library at 304-473-4219, ext. 14 to schedule a 60-minute period to either use the library’s public computers or bring their device to the library for internet access.
  • Time limits may be extended if no one else is scheduled to come to the library.
  • In general, only internet users only will be admitted; if you need to have someone else with you, please let us know when you schedule your appointment.

Week 3 or 4:

We will resume allowing patrons in limited numbers to enter the library to browse for materials.

  • We will continue to monitor and re-evaluate the situation as it comes. You may follow us on Facebook for all library updates or call 304-473-4219 for further information.

We thank you for your understanding. We can’t wait to see you!

Please stay safe and well.

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