Dr. Joseph Reed
Dr. Joseph Reed

Upshur County Health Dept. Medical Director challenges youth to become involved

Our youth are our hope for the future. They, like us older people, aren’t fond of being told what or how to do.

Our society has a number of things that need advocates, talent and enthusiasm!

  1. Get your vaccine and wear your mask so you can enjoy life more and stay healthy and well. 
  2. Encourage your peers and your adults to avoid  or stop the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
  3. Become involved in your community; the community needs you
  4. Be passionate but a peacemaker by understanding others.
  5. Don’t expect others (parents, teachers, community, government) to do for you what you can do for yourself
  6. Return to society what you are able for what you receive.

Youth, this is your opportunity and challenge!

Joseph B. Reed MD
Upshur County Health Dept. Medical Director

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