Upshur County Board of Education members, Superintendent Dr. Sara Lewis Stankus and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Debra Harrison congratulate principals from Washington District Elementary, Union Elementary, Buckhannon-Upshur High School, Hodgesville Elementary, Rock Cave Elementary and Buckhannon Academy Elementary schools for achieving targets set by the West Virginia State Department in English language arts, mathematics and high school graduation rates during Tuesday’s BOE meeting at Buckhannon Academy Elementary School.

Stankus receives high marks from Upshur County Board of Education

BUCKHANNON – On Tuesday night, it was Upshur County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Sara Stankus’ turn to be graded on her performance, and like the special levy on Jan. 19, she passed with flying colors.

Following a more than one-hour executive session to complete the superintendent’s evaluation, board members offered the following statement.

“Dr. Sara Stankus, superintendent, met and/or exceeded all standards for the current year,” it read. “We have had a successful year with grant procurement and a successful levy campaign. We continue to work hard for the students of Upshur County.”

Also during Tuesday’s board meeting at Buckhannon Academy Elementary School, board members also recognized those doing good work in the school system including students, principals and schools.

The board recognized and congratulated several schools in Upshur County that have met the targets set by the West Virginia Department of Education. Stankus said meeting the annual targets is achieved by attaining the criteria in each area, including mathematics and English language arts, and for high schools, graduation rates.

Schools that met the designated criteria include: Washington District Elementary School for meeting the target in mathematics; Union Elementary School for meeting the target in mathematics; Buckhannon-Upshur High School for meeting the target in English language arts and four-year graduation rates; Hodgesville Elementary School for meeting the target in mathematics; Rock Cave Elementary School for meeting the target in English language arts and mathematics; and Buckhannon Academy Elementary for meeting the target in English language arts and mathematics.

“This is a combined effort and certainly something to be proud of,” Stankus said. “It’s a state level recognition. We are really proud of our schools.”

Stankus also announced the board’s first recognition of the “US” awards – which stands for the Upshur Stars. Board president Dr. Tammy Samples said the Upshur Stars is a new program recognition for students and staff who go above and beyond for or in our community.

BAES teacher Sherri Hoover was recognized as a US award recipient. Hoover received her award for being the facilitator of the Crazy Eight Math Club.

Upshur County Board of Education has added a new recognition for students and teachers called ‘US’ Awards, which stands for Upshur Stars. The first instructor recognized during Tuesday’s BOE meeting was BAES fifth-grade teacher Sherri Hoover for implementing the Crazy Eight Math Club – an after-school program aimed at making math fun. Hoover is pictured with Stankus.

“As we know, math continues to be an area of weakness in our students,” Hoover said. “For a lot of them, they just don’t like math and think it’s just not fun. I started investigating with some teacher groups I belong to on Facebook about different math clubs.”

She said one of the members talked about Crazy Eight Math.

“I did some research, and it’s an organization called,” Hoover said. “They facilitate after-school programs. It is also free – all of the materials were free. I contacted them, and you have to have permission from your principal.”

Hoover received permission for her participation.

“I talked with the group about my goals and what I wanted to do with the program,” Hoover said. “I was approved as a math coach, and they sent me my free materials. It is designed for 15 students.”

Hoover said the club had their first meeting on Monday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Club meetings must take place after school.

“We investigated geometric shapes and repeating patterns by making tessellations with glow sticks,” Hoover said. “They had a very good time.”

The second US Award was presented to Sadie Wilt. Stankus said Sadie is a student at Rock Cave Elementary School in second grade.

Rock Cave Elementary School second-grader Sadie Wilt was the first student to receive a US Award – Upshur Star. Sadie asked her friends and family to donate to her school’s backpack program instead of giving her birthday presents this year because she wanted to help those in need. Sadie was recognized for her actions Tuesday evening at the Upshur County BOE meeting and is pictured with Stankus.

“I just met her tonight, but even before I met her, I was very impressed with her,” Stankus said. “I learned from her principal that Sadie had gone to her parents and said, ‘Mom and Dad, I want no presents for my birthday – I want to instead, have people bring canned food for the backpack program at my school because there are kids who need food.’

“She put that above herself. Sadie, you exemplify what this board of education believes in. I know these people believe in service above self. We are so very proud that you won this US Award.”

Stankus then presented Sadie with a birthday present since she gave up her birthday presents to help others.

Also, during Tuesday’s meeting, members voted unanimously to approve the following:


  • Debbie Shapiro as head cheerleading coach at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, effective the end of the 2018-2019 school year.
  • Loretta Kay Snyder as cook II at Buckhannon-Upshur High School due to retirement at the end of the 2018-2019 school year.
  • Patricia Tallman, substitute teacher, effective Feb. 22, 2019.

Employment, pending appropriate certifications and background check

  • Roy Wager, volunteer assistant boys’ track coach at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, effective for the 2019 track season.
  • Roseanne Siggia-Walker as volunteer assistant boys’ track coach at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, effective for the 2019 track season.
  • Michael Meadows as volunteer assistant boys’ track coach at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, effective for the 2019 track season.
  • Brandy Moyers, substitute secretary, effective Feb. 27, 2019.
  • Bailey Callison as substitute teacher, effective Feb. 27, 2019.
  • William Squires as a volunteer assistant girls’ track coach for the 2019 in the interim until the current posting is filled.
  • Elizabeth Roselius as itinerant elementary art teacher at Tennerton Elementary School, Washington District Elementary School and Hodgesville Elementary School, effective March 11, 2019


  • Leslie Alkire from custodian III at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School to custodian IV at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School, effective Feb. 27, 2019.

The next Upshur County Board of Education meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at Buckhannon Academy Elementary School.

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