Shop Small
Local business owners Lacy Ramsey (Jesterline Gaming), Brenda Hissam (Baxa Hotel), and Jerry Henderson (Premier Properties) stand with Mayor David McCauley for the city’s proclamation signing for Small Business Saturday. The proclamation took place Monday, November 19, 2018.

Shop small this Saturday

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — The City of Buckhannon recently proclaimed Saturday as Small Business Saturday.

After Thanksgiving, local merchants hope you will enjoy a fun-filled day shopping locally during Small Business Saturday.

Whether you need a framed photograph of our lovely downtown, a carved wooden truck, a shiny new bike, or a new holiday sweater local stores have you covered. We also have gaming, CrossFit, jewelry, antiques, home decor, and much more.

Stop in a restaurant for a tasty bite to eat and a hot beverage to warm up between stops.

You’ll not have to worry about racking up parking costs, fumbling with coins for the meter, or finding a parking kiosk, as the City of Buckhannon offers free 2-hour parking downtown on Main Street, side streets and several free 21-hour parking lots.

Enjoy the holiday lights and decor that Buckhannon streets crew workers put up this week, bump into friends and family, relax and hum along with the holiday music throughout downtown, all while checking off the items on your list.

And don’t forget, My Buckhannon — a 100 percent local small business — is offering $10 off annual subscriptions, plus donating an additional $10 to the Parish House/Crosslines for every new member through Monday. Also good for gift subscriptions! Click here for details.

The full proclamation:

Small Business Saturday

Whereas, the small business sector contributes significantly to the framework of the United States economy and, in Buckhannon, small businesses (having 100 or fewer employees) comprise 98 percent of all businesses and employ more than half of the City’s private sector workforce; and

Whereas, the owners and operators of small businesses foster economic growth through the creation of jobs and the production of goods and services for people across State of West Virginia and around the globe; these businesses also represent a base of manufacturing and exporting for U.S. products and services; and

Whereas, working toward a new era of progress and competitiveness through investments in small businesses, Buckhannon supports these businesses as a critical component of restoring and rebuilding a healthy economy, as the perseverance, hard work, and resourcefulness of small business owners form the foundation of our prosperity and success; and

Whereas, during these economically-challenging times, small businesses are critical to our nation’s recovery and growth as a significant source of revenue and new private sector jobs and, historically, small businesses create the vast majority of net new jobs coming out of a recession, often hiring when larger companies are continuing to downsize; and

Whereas, with the 2018 Holiday shopping season upon us, the period from Black Friday to Cyber Monday is one of the busiest times of the year for retailers, and Saturday, November 24, 2018 is being observed across the country as “Small Business Saturday,”celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit of small business owners, and highlighting the resourcefulness, ingenuity, and innovativeness of these individuals who are a key force in driving the economy of our state and nation; and

Whereas, Buckhannon’s small business owners have realized success through their vision, hard work, and commitment to operating a business daily, and their efforts are critical to building a better Buckhannon today and in the future and, therefore, it is fitting that we join in this initiative and show support for small business owners, recognizing their valuable role and contributions to our economy and our lives;

Now, Therefore, I, David McCauley, Mayor of the City of Buckhannon, do hereby recognize November 24, 2018 as SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY in the City of Buckhannon and encourage the continued support and development of our small business sector.

Given under my hand and the Seal of the City of Buckhannon, this 19th day of November in the year two thousand eighteen.


David W. McCauley, Mayor

City of Buckhannon


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