Editor’s note: This article was written and submitted by Dr. Joseph Reed, M.D.
We have celebrated Easter in nontraditional ways, and we have proven that the church building is not the church.
Upshur County has been fortunate that we have had, at this point, very few cases of Covid-19 infections that we know about. We have learned of hand washing and how hard it is to keep your hands from your face. Social distancing has been practiced. These habits need to be continued.
What have you found to do to keep in touch or help a neighbor or friend? Who has gone the extra mile for you or someone else and have you thanked them?
COVID-19 is a scary subject to many, a challenge to some, and an opportunity to a few.
In the midst of our concerns about inadequate supplies and certain equipment, many positives are happening.
The schools are experimenting with different means of education. Food service is being offered by them. Restaurants are offering altered food service as well.
Businesses are expanding the work from home methods. Healthcare is being offered via electronic communication. Neighbors are stepping up to help each other. Many individuals are offering to be helpers in new ways.
News outlets, printed and electronic, is offering varied information and opinions on current topics. City council and the County Commission are sharing their meetings online, as they have done before. City and county stakeholders are comparing notes electronically to better serve the community.
How will our society change because of all of these factors? Let each of us look for opportunities to do things better and more efficiently for the good of all.
Now is not the time to be critical of failures or misjudgments but rather to focus on the future actions, whether as individuals or as political leaders. These actions will be the best judge of future neighbors and leaders.
Thanks to all who have hope to share.