All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Red, white, blue and you: American Legion invites public to Veteran’s Day Parade

BUCKHANNON – The Buckhannon-Upshur community is invited to honor all those who have served or are serving in the U.S. military by participating in or attending the American Legion Post 7’s Veteran’s Day Parade.

The Veteran’s Day Parade is slated for 9 a.m. Monday, with lineup taking place at 8:30 a.m. at the Charles W. Gibson Library on Sedgwick Street in Buckhannon. Church groups; children’s and youth groups; festival princesses, princes, queens, kings and other royalty; twirlers; owners of antique cars and Jeeps; and of course, veterans are encouraged to participate.

Anyone interested in participating should contact Ed Smith or Post 7 Adjutant Mary Albaugh at 304-460-2017 for additional information.

The parade will proceed up East Main Street to Chancery Street and Friendly Way before ending at the Walk of Valor in Jawbone Park.

A Veteran’s Day program will immediately follow. The program will include a welcome by American Legion Post 7 Commander Carroll Westfall, the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag led by Bob Post, greetings from Buckhannon mayor David McCauley, a message from Rep. Alex Mooney’s representative Rhett Dusenberry and a medley of service songs played by the Buckhannon-Upshur High School Band.

In addition, Dave Kelley will introduce an Honor Guard van fundraiser, and attendees will sing “God Bless America” prior to a concluding message and thank you delivered by Albaugh.

“It’s going to be short, sweet and powerful,” Albaugh said Tuesday of the program.

Following the Jawbone Park program, VFW Post 3663 will host their annual Veteran’s Day program at 11 a.m., and the public is invited.

Prior to Monday’s parade, Elks Lodge 1736 will be serving free breakfast for veterans at 8 a.m.

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