All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Raising the Jolly Roger With … Sterlin Thropp

TENNERTON — In continuing to bring you the best sports coverage in Upshur County, the My Buckhannon sports department is pleased to bring you yet another exclusive feature — Raising the Jolly Roger With….

In ‘Raising the Jolly Roger With…’ the My Buckhannon sports department will interview a senior student-athlete from Buckhannon-Upshur to get to know them better and what makes them tick both on and off the field.

Our student-athlete this week is Sterlin Thropp …enjoy!

1. Please list all the sports you have played at B-U and what year you played them?

I have played football, basketball and I have run track all since my freshman year in 2018.

2. What has been your favorite athletic moment at Buckhannon-Upshur that you participated in?

Placing sixth in the 400 and second in the 4X4 at states for track my junior year.

3. Describe your toughest practice at Buckhannon-Upshur. What sport and who was the coach?

Running 135 lines in basketball for coach Travis Foster.

4. Do you have a favorite saying from one of your head coaches?

Hard Work + No Excuses = SUCCESS……coach Travis Foster.

5. What was or is your favorite class you have taken at Buckhannon-Upshur and who taught it? Why was it your favorite?

Civics with Mr. Stalnaker because he is super understanding.

6. What is your favorite thing about being a Buccaneer?

I get to go out and perform in front of a very supportive community.

7. If you were asked to play another sport, what would it be and why?

If we had men’s volleyball, I’d play it because it would be fun spiking the ball.

8. Who is your hero and why?

My parents because they always push me and are very supportive.

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Physical Therapist

10. What are your initial plans after graduation this spring?

Attend college.

11. What question do you hate to answer?

What sport I want to play in college.

12. Who is the best athlete in your family? 


13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, where?

Myrtle Beach

14. What is your favorite food and the one thing you won’t eat?

Favorite food is steak. I dislike broccoli.

15. What advice would you give to a young athlete ready to start his/her time as a Buccaneer?

Try and outwork everyone and no matter what sport you’re playing, give your all. Work outside of practice to craft your game and put in the time that nobody sees. Also lift weights. 

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