All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

PSC to hold public comment hearings on Suddenlink

CHARLESTON, WV – The Public Service Commission is holding three public comment hearings to give customers the opportunity to express their concerns with Suddenlink’s quality of service. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend. The hearings will be held in person:

• Monday, August 23, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Ceremonial Courtroom at the Raleigh County Courthouse, 215 Main Street, Beckley
• Tuesday, August 24 at 10:30 a.m. and at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission’s main hearing room at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, WV 25301

Those who want to make their thoughts known to the Commission but choose not to participate in a public comment hearing may send a letter to the Commission at: 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, WV 25301 or they can submit a comment on the Commission’s website.

“The Commission has received thousands of complaints from Suddenlink customers about the unacceptable level of service provided by the Company,” said Public Service Commission Chairman Charlotte Lane. “Listening to citizens’ input is a critical part of how the Commission decides cases. We provide several ways for customers to comment on the cases in front of us and actively encourage customers to be part of the process.”

Intervenors in the case include the Commission’s Consumer Advocate Division; the Cities of Beckley, Charleston and Elkins; and the Kanawha County Commission.

Those attending the hearings will be required to wear a mask.

More information, including documents filed in this case and the full procedural schedule, may be found on the Commission website: by referencing Case No. 21-0515-CTV-SC-GI.

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