All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

West Virginia State Capitol in Charleston
West Virginia State Capitol in Charleston

PSC selects Schumaker and Company to perform Frontier management audit

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The Public Service Commission today announced it had selected Schumaker and Company to perform the focused management audit of Frontier West Virginia and Citizens Telecommunications Company of West Virginia, and ordered commencement of the audit as soon as possible and completion of the audit within six months.

After receiving numerous and increasing complaints regarding Frontier’s quality of service, including concerns from emergency services, 911 centers and senior citizens, on August 30, 2018, the Commission ordered a focused management audit of Frontier to be conducted by a qualified outside auditing firm identified through a request for proposals and paid for by Frontier.  The focused management audit will give Frontier and the Commission a comprehensive ability to understand and prioritize the challenges facing Frontier.

Last month, the Commission rejected Frontier’s choice of auditor, determining that Frontier, in its selection of an auditing firm, had placed too much emphasis on cost and too little weight on the bidding firms’ resources, experience, audit planning, audit methodology, audit standards and report writing ability.   

Having reviewed the bid package information submitted by the audit candidates, the Commission determined that Schumaker is a well qualified candidate and presents the most comprehensive audit plan and resources for conducting the focused management audit.

The Commission stressed that Schumaker should highlight its findings and recommendations related to emergency services.  The Commission further authorized a timetable under which the audit is to proceed, including a preliminary summary due on Day 120, a draft report on Day 150 and a final report on Day 180.

Additional information is available on the Commission website: by referencing Case No. 18-0291-T-P.

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