All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Operation Hodgesville a success

Operation Hodgesville was held on August 7 and was a huge success! More than 50 people from 3 years old to 70+ years young attended to put the school back together.  Teachers, spouses, family members, former students / alumni of Hodgesville, grandparents, parents, students, siblings (older and younger), custodians, bus drivers, friends all came together to get the school ready for students to return.  

A table full of task cards greeted volunteers as they entered the door.   Within an hour, all task cards were claimed and work was in progress.   As a result of the great turnout, classrooms were made dust free, furniture was put back into place, windows were cleaned, books were taken out of storage, and many more tasks completed.  

A sincere thank you to Sam’s Pizza, Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Fox’s Pizza, Papa Johns for donating pizzas. Ruby’s Corner donated delicious cookies that were a hit!

Now the school is ready to greet students on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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